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Foundations Program

Coomera Prep to Year 3

The Saint Stephen’s College Foundations Program has been designed to encompass the education and wellbeing of our private school students. These crucial early years of education are a very special time for children, their parents and their teachers.

All students in the Foundations Program study the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography and Digital Technologies as outlined in the . The students work with specialist teachers for their Music, Physical Education, Mandarin and Art subjects.

In the Foundations program, we assist and encourage our students on their journey towards becoming independent readers and writers. Most of the school day in the Foundations Program is dedicated to cementing the children’s understanding of literacy and mathematical concepts, so that they can build upon this knowledge in their future years of schooling. Teachers in the Foundations Program support student engagement through varied hands-on experiences, focused teaching times and real-life investigations.

As educators, we understand that students work at their own ability level and experience success at different rates and times, and our staff provide learning experiences which support and extend individual needs.

Our aim is to provide an environment where strong conceptual foundations are laid by each individual student, so that future success in life-long learning can transpire.

Junior College Information Handbook